Includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Regression bug fix : modify account. Could not set default discount for cash customer.
- Honda Dealer.NET integration. Honda recently moved their website around, breaking C9's integration. Functionality to check part availability and order status within c9 is now restored.
- Receive order.
- Recently removed ability to set retail price on order items not on stock file. Turns out alot of c9 users rely on this even though it does not work as you would intuitively expect under many circumstances. Reverted and improved functionality
- Receive order : set retail price will override retail price set at point of order for customer ordered parts, if either of the following conditions are met
- Retail price on original order invoice is zero. (i.e. unknown)
- Option in setup 'Use latest retail price on pickup' is set
- Receive order. Set retail price on backordered parts is memorised so when parts finally arrive there is no need to rekey retail price. (Be careful though, as price is 'sticky'. Subsequent changes to stock file price for example will not override retail price set when backorder was recorded)
- Automatically invoice cash orders on receive order. Logic has changed slightly.
- Will not do this is any part on order has a retail price of zero
- Will not do this is no deposit was taken on the original order invoice
- Xero accounting integration: this version of c9 rolls out with integration into Xero accounting package. At the moment the integration is incomplete and non-functional. All that rolls are dependant libraries and some non-functional code that demonstrate capability to login to xero via c9.