Includes notion of laybys for spare parts point of sale. They behave almost the same as reserve, though are treated as separate from reserves. Differences in behaviour:
- You cannot order parts on layby. Only stocked items can go on layby
- There is a new menu option in c9 that lists all open laybys. Looks similar to reprint invoice. From here you can finalize,cancel or add more deposit onto active laybys.
Other tweaks and fixes:
- Account tax exempt flag: would be ignored on invoice spares sales; but work correctly for all other sale types. Now fixed
- HTML email from miner can crash. Relates to recent changes where c9 will try to analyse <style> blocks in HTML content and apply them inline to actual html body items. Reason for doing this is that some email clients, like gmail ignore <style> blocks but majority of email clients work with inlined style="" statements. Recent versions of c9 added intelligence to deal with this. But it fails under following circumstances:
- system is configured to route email via dealer's ISP's mail server; not C9's
- HTML contains style blocks
- Those style blocks contain comment blocks.