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Release 4.357 April 30, 2013 barney

Unit sales : previously c9 always treated on road costs as being paid by the purchaser.  It is now possible to  flag on road costs as being explicitly paid by the dealership. For example, current Yamaha Scooter deal at the moment where Yamaha provide rebate to cover on road costs.  Dealer pays the on road costs and Yamaha rebate the dealer for the sale.

Arguably, c9 could achieve this already: all you'd do is set final price which reduces the sale cost of the unit.  Although the bottom of the invoice line total is correct and solves the ultimate business need of providing purchasers a discounted sale price ; how this figure comes about is different from the actual business intent.  Now c9 can accurately model either or: discounting the unit sale price or not passing on road costs onto the customer.

C9 behaviour is mostly unchanged by this addition.  When you add on road costs they default to assumption cost is being passed onto customer. when you modify an on road cost you can change this via a new radio button.

Any on road cost that is flagged as being paid by the dealer will be considered as a unit cost for purposes of unit profit reporting.  Normally on road costs are ignored when reporting unit profit on assumption customer pays them; but if they are flagged as being paid by the dealer than they affect the stated cost of the unit.