Changes to estimates & workshop
- Print estimate changes
- Fix line that runs through estimate only header when export to PDF
- Print parts in order they were added to estimate
- Print more unit details : Full VIN, Colour, compliance date and Odo
- Was not printing line discount totals correctly. Fixed
- Estimate changes - freeform spares items (you should use other/ws parts over freeform. Though some bug fixes anyway)
- Freeform descriptions and prices where not being carried onto job when converting estimate to job
- Freeform part number : would restart at **1 each time you added more parts onto an estimate
- Convert estimate to job
- Was not preserving discounted value on conversion
- Estimate
- Include a button to discount spare parts to their supplier recommended retail (list + GST).
- Sell parts to job
- If you modify retail price downwards: c9 will now write the job item at it's original price and add a discount figure for the difference
- Print job in progress. Remove words "It is for the dealership's personal reference only." : in case dealer wants to show job in pogress printout to the customer.