Includes database changes. You will be required to log all terminals out during upgrade
Bugfix with crediting back spares invoice which mixes line discounted and group discounted prices. Under some circumstances group discounted item would incorrectly inherit line discounted discounting.
Clerk report bugfix : do not include spares returned from workshop/sales department back into spares.
GST on spares deposit. Removed configuration option and forced deposits on spares to be GST exempt. As per GSTR 6/2 and as per other parts of c9. Previously was a configuration option in c9.
GSTR 2006/2 (a GST tax ruling from 2006) indicates that GST is not payable on deposits when taken for the promise of goods being supplied. Only if the deposit is forfeited or when the goods are supplied does the GST then apply.
No cash invoice list has been substantially improved. Tracking whether or not user explicitly select no cash is now in place instead of second guessing and getting it wrong in some situations (i.e. spares pickup where original deposit covers cost of received spares would appear in old no cash inv list). Also tracks amount of cash that was expected to be paid. The change is not retrospective though. Only transactions created after the upgrade will be properly tracked. Consequence of upgrading to this version is that no cash inv list is effectively cleared and only new transactions will potentially appear in the list.
Security : new login user security switch to disable access to business. On upgrade all login users will be automatically added into this group.
Miner: workshop job description would clip to 20 characters. Now fixed
Business charts : new chart to show % of year on year retained units. Units dealership sold that appeared back in the workshop.
Business analytics : added options for Suzuki Service KPI