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Release 4.364 July 15, 2013 barney
  • Spare parts pickup. As soon as press F10 perform customer GST exempt and customer account deposit checks. Previously user could F10 past this screen without system asking them whether or not they wanted to use deposit on account.  Now it will ask the question upon initial entry into complete screen.
  • Unit bugs and tweaks
    • Deal : freeform spares items on a deal do not behave correctly.  Cannot be re-accessed or edited via edit spares.
    • Deal: freeform spares costing information is lost and reset to zero when freeform is added onto a deal but not immediately invoiced.
    • Rollback sale : provide option to convert sale into a deal to make fixing errors a little easier.   Normally rolling back retains most information to retry sale with minimal effort but some information needs to be rekeyed. Specifically spare parts added onto a sale.  Selecting rollback sale onto a new deal avoids this double entry.
  • Workshop bugs and tweaks
    • Modify spare part line item. Option to key in line discount as a %.
    • Workshop complete/pickup & modify screen. Show line item discount so user has visual indicator which items have been line discounted
    • Estimate option to set estimate to supplier RRP costings instead of setting to dealer prices and discounting down to supplier RRP
    • Print spares line discount option for spares point of sale now influences how workshop invoices are printed.  Will print line discounts if following conditions are met:
      • spares line option in setup is selected
      • workshop job contains at least one part with a line discount
      • workshop discount scope is set to 'spares only'
  • Other tweaks
    • Spares profit summary : show grand total