This represents our first release after some heavy retooling of how we go about working on the c9 product. 4 months in the making and finally here. As our new processes settle in and are fine tuned we expect to see this translate into alot of material improvement for the c9 product and how quickly we are able to evolve and enhance the product.
- Workshop
- Add labour : under some circumstances the system would flag labour added as discounted. Now fixed.
- Print estimate : always print labour line items last
- Print job card : make customer name bold
- Units
- Show deal : show tally of items on a deal to show balance outstanding. Useful for when deals are used as layby mechanism to show balance outstanding
- Bugfix with pickup spares on reserve or receipt invoice being put on a deal : would not actually add the parts to the deal. Now fixed
- Bugfix with pickup spares on reserve or receipt invoice being put on a deal : would not transfer any deposit taken on original reserve/order. Now fixed
- Unit quote : you can now generate a quote for a unit that is not on the floor
- Convert deal to invoice. For finance/account sales make sure deposit collected on the deal is transferred across.
- Convert deal to invoice : would clobber rebates tracked on original floor unit. System now more carefully merges rebates recorded on the deal and on the floor unit.
- Unit invoice : print odo reading if unit is second hand and odo>0
- Spares
- Bugfix with reclaimed deposit on prior spares pickup influencing spares invoice on next invoice on that terminal. Problem is potentially serious, but rare. Affected users will be notified individually.
- Receive order : check and warn user if an order of the same invoice number has previously been received
- Reprint invoice : hotkey F6 to select and filter invoices by customer
- Import KTM fiche : remove confusing 'import all' option