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Release 4.368 August 5, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log out all terminals after downloading the update.

Overhaul how workshop insurance jobs are managed.  Existing process is a bit clumsy.  Specific changes:

  • Insurance company is tracked separately on a workshop job from job/unit owner; whereas previously the owner would be set to the insurance company.
  • Company is set on create job ( or create estimate) and can be changed via modify job
  • Account customers can now be flagged as being insurance companies
  • Invoice printout and account records created for insurance jobs differ slightly
    • Print 'excess' instead of 'deposit'
    • Transaction record on monthly  statement indicates 'excess' instead of 'deposit'

Other tweaks:

  • Added a new configuration switch in setup to control behaviour of min qty re-ordering in some circumstances.  Previously if you set minqty ratio to something the system would also limit qty re-ordered to the qty just invoiced out that triggered the reorder.  For dealers that don't do stock orders as often as they should this can be problematic.  This behaviour is now a separate checkbox option in c9.  Checkbox default upon upgrade is set to logic that existed prior to this change.
  • View/Reprint Spares invoice : allow user to view and modify note attached to the invoice