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Release 4.380 & 4.381 September 26, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Units on consignment tweaks. If you purchase a unit on consignment, the system will now delay creating a recipient invoice until the unit is subsequently sold.  This allows you to modify the buy price of the consigned unit without having to roll the unit back and re-consign it.  The system now also tracks consignment receipts which can be reprinted just like a unit invoice
  • Spare parts kits
    • You can now define a spare part to be made up of other multiple spare parts to define a kit.
    • Key in the part number in point of sale and system will break kit down into it's component items and add them to the invoice (same workflow as import part but triggered via add part)
    • Kits can be nested : i.e. a kit can be made up of sub kits
    • Kit qty and retail price automatically adjusts to reflect changes in the kits stocked components (note price file changes for unstocked kit items only cascade on import price file)
    • Kit retprice can be fixed using retail held flag. If retail is held system will tweak component retail prices to arrive at the total kit price
    • Kit parts must be an accessory part but they can combine parts from any franchise.
  • Price file price breaks : you can now  set price breaks  to use on individual parts.  For a given part you can specify that price breaks for a different franchise apply to this part only. Intended, commonly expected usage is for ensuring certain items (such as certain accessory groups) are priced at RRP but solution permits greater flexibility with setting non RRP Based classes of pricing in a single franchise.
  • Parts Diagrams : c9 can now seamlessly integrate into parts diagrams published on other dealer websites.  Instead of going to to look up KTM parts for example, you can now look it up within c9 itself. Requires some initial setup in c9 for each make.  Highlighting:

  • Minor tweaks
    • Fixed security issue where remote access password for a number of dealers is inherited from the blank system.  Upgrade will automatically delete password for any dealer like this.  Change ensures further future installs of c9 do not use this default password
    • PCEFTPOS integration : option to print two copies of receipts
    • Units : added a helper dialog for recording unit floorplans to help with calculating things like payout due and interest free based on days. i.e. key in start date and days (150) and c9 will tell you what that date is