Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Modify Customer : ability to pick/lookup suburb postcode pairing. Same for franchise/accessory suppliers.
- Workshop job schedule : significantly improved the ability to organise and prioritize jobs and move jobs up and down. Previous version allowed you move jobs up and down but there were a few niggles with the way the system worked especially when a new job is added : one would normally intuitively expect a new job to appear at the bottom of the list but this was rarely the case. Note that part of this upgrade system will reset order of jobs to default : unavoidable consequence of this change.
- Tweaks
- Tweaked recently added link remote diagram feature. Behaviour/requirement to link a local franchise to a remote franchise is unintuitive. System now pops up a confirmation page that should hopefully simplify
- Cash till : warn user if the current till number did not record any operations for the day and let user know what till no the report will be based on . Prior behaviour was confusing in this scenario
- Miner : part description getting clipped. Fixed
- Import Husaberg from DealerNet. Did not detect Aussie bikes correctly also incorrectly reported login error when all units are classified as excluded.