Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Import Suzuki EPC
- You can now fine tune list of bikes imported to fix errors and omissions prevalent in Suzuki's framelisting file
- System allows you to configure certain regions that are always preferentially imported. i.e. Import E24/P24 if available and ignore all else for a given model+year combo even if there are rules for them
- View remote EPCs - improved logic to detect when a remote set of units has changed and c9 needs to refresh it's local cache
- Tweaks
- Warn user if odo reading is blank on complete job
- Edit Franchise : added filter options for showing parts online. Options are: A) show everything B) only show items currently in stock. C) do not put this franchise on the web
- Modify workshop : ask user if they want to append notes to job if they add/change job type on the job
- View workshop: pending weborder notification now appears here too
- Unit stock list : option to filter based on new/used flag