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Release 4.402 December 17, 2013 barney

Requires database changes, you will need to log all terminals out during upgrade

This version significantly changes how the system manages customer balances.  It explicitly separates out balances into debtor and depositor balances which result in more robust trial balance figures for accounting reporting.  A number of other related changes/benefits flow from this

  • A number of customer related operations are now faster. Balance retrieval calculations will be faster (though was already quick so unlike to be noticed).  Printing statements very much noticeably faster.
  • Adding transactions is now simpler and easier.  Adding all different types of transactions is now done from the one screen. Previously there were two separate screens.  The new single screen is easier to use.  Stronger visual clues as to what is happening. No longer a requirement to fill in, tab through, aged trail adjustments as c9 now calculates this automatically (you can override if you like).
  • Print statement screen redesigned for easier use
  • System now explicitly tracks recording of refunded invoices and refunded debtor payments : so there should no longer be a need to use credit/debit notes (these are still in place)
  • Balance on deposit and balance on debit now kept separate so easier to handle debtor customers who have put down deposit at the same time.

Also includes tweaks to check/constrain sizing of images and attachments.  Recent activities with people sending bulk Christmassy mailouts with attached movie files or images which are 12MB and CMYK encoded has been playing havoc with our storage and bandwidth constraints. So added some further sanity checks for size and encoding to keep things sensible.