Requires database changes, you will need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Account balance limit : was based on merged trial balance. Tweaked to work on debtor trial balance only. (omission in prior changes to trial balance separation, forgot to separate balances in this business rule)
- Part kits with custom pricing would sometimes not land on the kit price manually entered and be a few cents out due to rounding errors. Now fixed. System now arrives at custom pricing by jiggling line discounts. This also factors in kit discount giving on web orders.
- Print open deal : was not printing customer details correctly
- Part/Buy Sell : buttons to view invoice/customer on lower order panel would actually open view on selected item in upper invoice panel. Now fixed
- Cancel order : don't allow user to cancel parts on order for customer/workshop etc. Too many people making mistakes cancelling the wrong order. Force users to cancel parts/invoices manually in this instance
- Cancel part on order : detect if last part on an invoice and if so check if there is deposit to be refunded and take appropriate action
- Mail merge : allow windows to be resized and fill text area out to the resized window
- Supplier Warranty management : distinguish between lodged claims and finished claims to make it easier t o manage claims in progress
- Customer notification : when reviewing SMS notifications for received parts the wrong invoice number would be recorded in notification. Notification's work perfectly, but the recorded invoice is incorrect. Happens on receives dealing with multiple invoices. Should now be fixed.