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Release 4.404 December 31, 2013 barney

Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out first.

More flexible ordering : feature growth in c9 that allows you to easily track down alternative sources for parts via F12 magician lookup has exposed a growing weakness in c9's order management model which is now fixed in this version.  The ability to manage ordering of parts from alternative suppliers.  Consider a point of sale experience where you are ordering Suzuki parts.  Say you are a Suzuki dealer, or you normally order from a dealer such as D&R Motorcycles,  but the part you want is currently not available from your regular supplier. After pressing F12 magician lookup you notice Mick Hone can supply it.  C9 now allows you to modify in point of sale where you intend to get parts from.  The design allows you, in point of sale indicate some parts will come from your normal supplier and others from someone else.  In point of sale you can modify these too.  Illustrating:

The first part is supplied, the second will be placed on a daily order for normal franchise order.  The 3rd on a stock order for normal franchise order.  The 4th though will be put on an order to be sent to Mick Hone.

MICKHONE is added as an accessory supplier in c9.  This new version of c9 allows you to add parts from any franchise onto the order for an accessory supplier. The system even allows you to order parts of different franchises onto the same order.  i.e. on an accessory order to BOLTONMC for example, you could mix KTM and Honda parts.

A near future version of c9 will allow you to easily place a part on order from an alternative supplier from F12 magician lookup, for c9 dealers that come up in magician as being able to supply the part you do a lookup on.  The near future version will also permit automatic transmission of the order to the dealer if the dealer has a c9 based  online shopping website when the point of sale process is completed.

This change introduces a few minor/ancillary  tweaks

  • In point of sale the type of order for each individual part (daily,stock, other) is now displayed
  • In point of sale, when you put a part on order you now have the option indicating whether the part should be put on a new/existing sent order as opposed to putting it on an active order.  This is to be used, like ad-hoc orders, to cope with the situation where you manually order the part over the phone but wish to have c9 track the part on order after the initial manual order
  • Point of sale forget/order/sell screen now removes ability to order on daily/stock.  When you select order a new screen opens up where you select daily/stock and now new option to order from alternate supplier
  • Point of sale again : if you highlight a part and press F11 you can now modify order specifics for the highlighted part. Previously F11 in this mode would open up screen to add a new ad-hoc order item
  • In orderbook/view order you can similarly modify a parts order status. Moving it from daily/stock order to a accessory supplier 3rd part order and also toggle status of item from active to sent.

Manual backups : a significant bug with manual backups has been fixed in this version.  If you rely on online backups no need to worry, these are fine and not affected by this bug.  For manual backups the system does not generate correct backup files for dates where year  is  than 4 digits, i.e anything before 1000 AD.  The backup files save the date in a recognizable format, but on restore the database will reject the restore because it sees the date as ambiguous. For example Nov 4 2013 is written as '2013-11-4',  Nov 4 13 AD should be written as '0013-11-4', but old version of c9 wrote it as '13-11-4' : postgreSQL database could not interpret this unambiguously so it would fail on restore.  Old backup files can be reconstructed and repaired but the process is time consuming and tedious.  New backup files created after this update will work fine.  Again problem only manifests if you rely on manual backups and only if your c9 database contains crap data, there is no reason why you should be keying in any date prior to 1900 or so.  Not even entirely sure how dealer in question got 13 AD in their database : I cannot make it happen on my system no matter how hard I try.

Minor tweak:

  • Fix width of website discount % entry field in view/change part
  • Print statement : ignore creditor/debtor flag on account.