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Release 4.413 February 17, 2014 barney

Tweak to email sent to customers on receive parts.  Changed wording from

The following parts you ordered are now available for pickup


The following parts you ordered are now ready for pickup/despatch (as previously arranged)

Down the track, a proper despatch method system is planned for spare parts which will allow you to customize SMS/Email messages sent in response to parts availability.


Another change relating to how c9 encrypts passwords and credit cards in the database.  Prior encryption which has been in place for over 10 years uses a non-standard cryptographic mechanism.  Replaced with a more standardized and stronger cipher.  Another motivation behind this change is to allow c9 database run off a mac.  Old ciphertexts would not store correctly in postgres on Mac because of character set encoding built into the mac version of postgres, hopefully this is now fixed with new ciphers.