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Release 4.418 March 18, 2014 barney
  • Email invoice. Email subject said something like 'Foo Motorcycles invoice 123456',  even for quotes which is confusing for things like quotes.  Subject now explains exactly what is attached:  i.e. invoice, quote, reservation.
  • Cancel order. If user selects option to put parts onto a new active order then allow cancel order to manipulate customer ordered parts too
  • Point of Sale : allow 100% line item discounts
  • Point of Sale refund : very rare situation : if you create an invoice with only line discounted items on it and then set a invoice discount $ figure, then the % on line items is no longer accurate as that invoice discount is then added ontop of the line discount parts. Situation is rare in that you shouldn't really be doing it.  Previously when you refunded such parts, only the line discount was considered, not the invoice discount.  Modified c9 so that if line discount is not representative of the actual discount given because of this scenario, then when crediting back the invoice, ignore the line discount %.
  • Point of sale : save as PDF. preset file name as invoice.pdf
  • OPEA Export : disallow user to continue until they type in a file name
  • View Aged Trial Balance : could not select between debtor, depositor or combined trial balance. Now fixed