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Release 4.435 May 28, 2014 barney
  • Accounts
    • Print statement. Only show current account customers by default. Option to show all if required.  When statements generate system will still may generate statements for customers who are currently not account customers, particularly when printing a historical statement for a customer who once was an account customer.  but generally the account list is fairly static so when allowing operator to select customer, only show current account customers by default to reflect this
  • Spares
    • Track private notes on spares invoices
    • Access weborders from view/reprint invoice
    • Config option to disable below RRP test
  • Website
    • Allow full price file to be listed on website
    • Add new filter to only show items which have images etc
  • Workshop
    • Planner : allow jobs to be completed/picked up etc from this screen
    • Modify job : show balance owing after factoring in deposit
    • Tally/Invoice workshop jobs to include parts on order.  For parts still on order tally/invoice them anyway so that firstly operator knows likely final cost of the job and so that if a bike is taken away pending parts still on order, then customer has paid for them and is incentivised to bring the bike back
    • Allow receiving of ordered parts for finished workshop jobs onto the job since they are now being invoiced. (Previously would put them into stock)