Requires database changes. You will be forced to log terminals out during upgrade
- Notification overhaul
- Notification message now comes from top right of the screen, so it does not obscure important buttons and content while visible
- SMS/Email notifications previously would sometimes misreport a warning message not delivered if there was lots of messages queued up, i.e. after a bulk email/sms action. Should no longer happen
- Web order notification : pops up less frequently and now can pop up any time, previous behaviour was just when c9 is in point of sale or browse workshop jobs screens
- Invoice received parts : was not picking up line discount % for parts that were wholly ordered. Now fixed.
- Business charts : new chart to show breakdown of clocked hours (paid, warranty, internal, break, idle, etc) over a period of time to see if there are any trends.
- Multi screen users : message and file dialog windows should now appear on the screen c9 is actually on, as opposed to prior behaviour of displaying on the primary monitor only
- Bugfix tweak with importing images for mcleods parts. Switched from FTP to web based data source, but didn't link it in properly so web import did not work. Should now be working
- Import price file : new import method to import pricing from a central repository maintained by c9.
- Import price file from c9, no need to mess with attachments, discount codes etc
- C9 will automatically alert you when there are new price file changes. Single button press to update to latest prices
- No need to chase price file from suppliers anymore. Instead suppliers provide price files to c9 to distribute to dealers
- We will work on increasing list of suppliers available on this service over the coming months