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Consider the scenario : you are not a Honda or Yamaha dealer and you purchase Honda/Yamaha parts from the nearest Honda/Yamaha dealer.

There are two ways to do this in c9. One way is you add the other dealership as a franchise in c9 and add parts as you require. This is the older method of handling this in c9, but a much better method now exists.

The approach recommended is as follows:

  •  Add honda and yamaha as franchises into c9. So franchises track manufacturers. Get prices files as required, e.g. via the 'import from other c9 dealers' option in import price file.
  • Add the the other dealership as a accessory supplier.
  • Configure them so when you order honda or yamaha parts they actually go onto an order directed to the other dealership

This method has a number of advantages:

  • You have full price lists for manufacturers. No need to add parts manually on a as needed basis
  • Orders for Honda and Yamaha are merged together, no need to send 2 orders to the supplier.
  • You can tweak parts individually and source them from elsewhere. Maybe the local shop doesn't have the clutch cover you need? But an interstate dealership has it?

How to configure this

Firstly, goto Spares -> Utilities -> Edit Suppliers. Add your supplier.


Next, on franchises added for Honda/Yamaha goto Spares ->Utilities -> Add/Edit Franchise. And configure option highlighted below.


Now when you add parts into point of sale, the parts will automatically be ordered from BIX in example above. You can change this in point of sale by highlighting the part and pressing F11 - Order


On the order book: one order.


And when order is printed, the different manufacturers are listed:


C9 also allows you to move parts around on the order book itself. So you can change your mind about the supplier after initial point of  sale is entered.