- Added barcode scanner intelligence so that:
- When you scan a part for the first time it adds one automatically into point of sale
- When you scan same part, instead of going into edit part mode it will increment qty required by one. The normal Forget/Order/Sell nag screen will only appear once, when you initially cross the current qty on hand count. From thereon, c9 will assume whatever F/O/S selection you initially picked for that part applies
- Point of sale import parts from various sources, including selling part kits, if the part is already on the invoice c9 will increment the qty required instead of previous behavior of entering edit part mode
- Order book : when adding a part to order, make sure newly added part is highlighted in the book after the add operation
- View Fiche Diagrams : memorise filter settings when switching from Point of Sale back to fiche
- When running c9 in lease expired readonly mode, allow users to record payments and generally modify aged trail balance. (Creating custom invoices is still disallowed. Also taking deposits is disallowed).
- Unit deals
- Better handle/cope with managing rebates within a deal to more accurately estimate profit on units to be sold. i.e. pickup rebates on the unit itself but also note rebates added to the deal and merge them together, since there might be rebates specific to the deal.
- Modify deals sometimes does not pickup unit changes that impact things like cost calculation, because it stores the deal in memory instead of periodically refetching the deal from the database meaning some things may be missed, such as adding rebates/costs on other terminals or via view unit option in the modify deal screen.
- Workshop : permit entry of qtys >=100 for workshop parts when adding or modifying
- Spares : old c8 had a strict limit of 255 franchises. C9 mostly pushed passed this limit but wasn't quite there in a few spots. Should now be working fully with a new limit of ~ 32000.