Includes database changes. You will need to log all terminals out after upgrading
- View orders. Relocated view supplier button so it does not cover over search string
- Select any part . Make Add part button hotkeyable (Alt+a and InsertKey)
- Bugfix with view/edit franchise. Could not access archived franchises
- Bugfixes/improvements to receive order to better cope with recently added flexibility of receiving with accessory suppliers where accessory suppliers can be alternative suppliers for parts tracked under a franchise
- Electronic import can now cope with importing on accessory supplier where parts may not be accessory parts
- Receive backorder on accessory would not work for parts on backorder that were franchise parts.
- Display franchise: would display a franchise of one of the parts on the receive list as opposed to the actual supplier.
- Workshop timesheet : allow user to indicate reporting period. Also compress report output a bit to fit more into a single page.
- Workshop estimate : collect and print order number and odo
- Customer reminders : include ability to limit reminders to specific logged in users. By creating a 'unitsales' user for example, you can set things up so only these users receive reminders tagged for unitsales
- Messenger : include ability to disable auto-start of messenger on a terminal, to cope with dodgy terminals auto-starting messenger
- Include new feature : monitor/notifications. you can configure c9 to now nag you about various things, parts not yet ordered, open spares quotes, parts on order for more than a week, parts on back order for more than a couple of months, etc etc. I will write up a separate post on this shortly.