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Release 4.468 November 6, 2014 barney

Improved miner bulk message opt out capabilities in c9.

Firstly, SMS based opt out will now synchronize opt out replies from users back into c9 by unsetting the marketing flag in c9.


Previously, c9's servers alone would track this and enforce opt out behaviour without syncing opt out selections by your users.  So although anti-spam obligations as satisified by the previous solution there was no way - within c9 itself to know who has opted out because the information was kept on c9's central systems only. Now this data is automatically copied into your c9 and available for querying/reporting and resetting if a user ever requests to opt back in.

Secondly, it is now possible to do automated, web based opt outs in email based miner operations. For example, a screenshot from gmail of a possible email:


Clicking on the link yields a page that reports something like this:

Unsubscribe from Dev Motorcycles Successful

The link is preset in miner whenever you create a new miner query. e.g.:
