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Release 4.469 November 7, 2014 barney
  • Miner : ability to query on relationships between spares invoices and quotes (and related invoices, such as order/invoiced orders)
  • Bugfix with recent changes to clocking. System would not record job item labour under some rare configurations (if never merge option was selected, which most users of c9 do not enable)
  • Added ability to more easily tweak pricing on workshop jobs.  A button on modify/complete job now allows you  to do things like:
    • Set spares to supplier RRP (fixed or discount to)
    • Set spares to cost (fixed or discount to)
    • Reset discounts
    • Reset spares to dealer retail price
  • New workshop discount option : Capped $.  It is exactly the same as Fixed $ except on the printed invoice, line totals and discounts are not printed.