Requires database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade
This version includes two major additions.
General Ledger
C9 is now backed with an internal general ledger. The Ledger only covers sales related items at this time. CoGs is mostly complete except for spares CoGs (to be added at a later date).
This change will hopefully make your accountants jobs much simpler through newly included ledger reports. Making it easier to extract information on sales, GST inputs and liabilities, assets and performing tasks such as reconciling income, cash assets etc. The Ledger stuff is completely invisible, nothing has been changed in how c9 behaves so for users of c9 they don't need to worry about the ledger or need to learn how to work with it. Under Business is a new section General Ledger which provides all this info. Note that this change is not retrospective, only sales made after upgrade will appear in the GL.
The chart of accounts is fairly straight forward. For specific questions from accountants about GL structure in c9, contact c9 support.
Selling ordered parts before receiving them into c9
C9 now includes the ability to sell a part put on order before you actually receive it into c9. Consider, the courier has just dropped off a stack of parts, and one of your customers has at the same time come into pickup some of those parts. Previously c9 would not let you do this until you receive these parts in.
Some dealers have requested c9 include negative qty on hand, we have stridently refused to do this because we believe this 'solution' doesn't model the business problem correctly and creates more problems than it solves. -ve quantities is a mainframe 1980's approach to this problem; modern IT solutions should and can do much better than this! The problem with -ve is that you don't know why it is negative, how that -ve figure is mixed with actual stocked items and items supplied but not received, and quickly stock levels become a complete mess, we know this from converting other dealer systems to c9 which permit -ves. This is especially prevalent for shops where inventory management discipline is poor where orders are not received promptly, in such environments, providing tools that create greater opportunity for inventory tracking errors can only increase inventory tracking woes.
Our solution flags parts on order as having being supplied already. So there is a carefully tracked and itemised list of items supplied before being received. You still need to receive orders into c9, but c9 knows which ones have already been provided and which ones should stil physically be present. A number of screens and reports around ordering have changed to display quantities already handled.
The solution allows you to sell parts ordered for stock in this way too, as well as supply parts destined for customer prior to receiving the order.
In point of sale, you keyin a part to supply. Normal parts already on order screen appears, pick the customer. It will import order with part quantities preset to what c9 thinks has been supplied. You can then modify quantities to force supply the item, c9 will interprete this to mean that parts have physically arrived but not yet received and will flag items on your order book accordingly.
For parts ordered for stock, on forget/order/sell screen if you pick sell c9 will ask you if you are supplying from parts on order but not yet received into c9 and will take appropriate action.