Fixed a complex subtle bug related to pickup received parts on order. Recent changes to c9 allowed for situation where you can supply parts on order before receiving them into c9. A certain combination of events could stuff this up. The combination is as follows : you F12 to receive part X, part X although on order also has sufficient qty in stock to fulfill demand, you press F6 on part X to view its details. Now if those events happen and you proceed to pickup the parts, c9 will preferentially supply parts from stock instead of received parts on order. This is a rare situation except in the case of layby/reserve pickup later fulfillment. For such things it can actually happen quite often. Modified to fix this bug and enforce following behaviour:
- Always preferentially supply from received spares
- If quantity on hand is sufficient to supply remainder after 1) then use these, but only if supply is sufficient
- Flag unreceived parts as prematurely received if 1+2 above does not cover supplied qty
- Use any available in stock to fulfill supplied qty not yet fulfilled by 1+2+3 above
Recent changes to partsmart broke partsmart integration. Now fixed
Bugfix for long standing bug with workshop. If you rollback a workshop invoice system would erroneously also rollback manual deposit withdrawals associated with that job.
Tweaked layout of print parts on order for detailed order sheets slightly. Was not formatting very well.