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Release 4.500 February 13, 2015 barney

Mostly tweaks in this milestone release of c9

Note one significant change is that clerk key required for no cash collected check is now permanently on.  There are a number of issues and concerns around no cash collected, specifically how no cash can be used by staff to potentially hide theft from within the business (of course other mechanisms are possible too, still the trust nature of no cash collected we feel demands special consideration).  Ideally I would like to remove no cash collected altogether, though last time I tried this some c9 users complained. There should be no legitimate reason for wanting to use this option anyway. Forcing clerk key check every time is seen as a reasonable compromise for introducing a change to c9 that will incur a regression-like behaviour change and resolving this security risk.  If you indeed have a legit need for no cash, i.e. you are a one man retail shop, contact Barney, he is able to tweak your c9 to regain this functionality if it is truly required.

  • Workshop
    • Job cards/invoices/progress reports. Print checklists closer together to use paper more effectively
  • Spares
    • Below RRP Report.  Show/print $ and % figures.
  • Units
    • Show dealership units. Filter sold/tradein units to units sold/traded in in the last 3 months. You can change this filter date
  • Other
    • Save as CSV now works via remote access
    • New print preview option : email as CSV
    • Ability to configure auto login: c9 on startup can jump straight in without username+password. (This is configured on login screen itself, under advanced tab)
    • No cash collected always requires a clerk key to approve.
    • Ability to open files which are opened by other programs. Some systems, for reasons I have not entirely isolated will not allow you, for example, have an excel file open and use c9's import generic on same file. Should now be fixed.
    • Tweak website structure so it is easier to move things around, especially when there are lots of things (i.e. after importing stock part meta data)
  • Bugs
    • Any invalid delete (i.e. delete debtor spares parts txn), would cause system to enter invalid transaction state.