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Release 4.509 April 10, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bugfixes with recent changes to cash till report. Department tally was not resetting, changing dates did not refresh screen. Both issues now fixed
  • Overhaul label printing to make it easier quicker
    • Introduce notion of having multiple printer targets. So you can have two or more label printers, or mix report/label printing to avery paper without having to reconfigure stuff
    • Configuration should now be hopefully simpler
    • Disable preview screen and just print the labels (save keystrokes)
    • Ability to print a detailed shipping label (shows shop name + phone  + email of customer)
  • Workshop jobs now track estimate job is based on. Reports to come shortly.
  • Manage website : include tools to manage image menu thingo