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Release 4.518 May 4, 2015 barney

Tweaks to minqty re-ordering.  Under some circumstances system would not work intuitively.  Most dealers configure c9 so that min qty re-ordering is such that # of parts on daily order never exceeds minqty setting.  So if you min =3, system will never put more than 3 parts on daily order. But there is one situation where this breaks down. Consider:

  • Part.  QtyOnHand=3.  MinQty=3.
  • Sell part.  QtyOnHand=2.  MinQty=3.  QtyOnOrder=1
  • Return part.  QtyOnHand=3. MinQty=3. QtyOnOrder=1
  • Sell part.  QtyOnHand=2.  MinQty=3.  QtyOnOrder=2

C9 behaves this way because QtyOnOrder is still less than MinQty, but c9 does not factor in qty on hand, we now have situation where QtyOnHand+QtyOnOrder is greater than MinQty.

Because MinQty is supposed to represent emergency ordering, this could be considered okay, better to over-order than under order. Though a large number of c9 dealers do not use MinQty in this capacity and instead rely on it for normal re-ordering doing limited, if any, stock ordering. For such users the above behavior is not ideal.  C9 now includes a new setup option (defaulted to true if minqty multiplier is non zero, on assumption most users would prefer it if they have such a multiplier in place) to constrain this:


Miner: this release includes reorganising how Advanced queries work so advanced queries can link to customer records, for purposes of doing mailouts etc based on advanced query results.