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Release 4.526 June 3, 2015 barney
  • Customers
    • New country code feature. Removed country 'British Soverign Base Areas' since it does'nt have a ISO 3 letter code in the list we have.
    • Select account customer, allow super filter of account list
  • Units
    • Bugfix with new/used filter only working on the 'units on the floor' tab in browse dealer units
    • Modify unit, include option to flag job to track unit against dealership prior to unit being sold to customer. Useful for doing last minute fittings and record of jobs where unit was invoiced before workshop PD is initialized.
    • Some screen redesign tweaks to put filter apply button next to the filter
  • Spares
    • Add to existing order would sometimes display a weird message with wording " and ih.invprefix<>'L'",  fixed.