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Release 4.530 June 23, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log out all terminals during upgrade.

Version 4.529 had a defect in it that affected online backup  synchronization.  Not a serious problem, backups are fine, but system would report backups to be in error.

Caused by recent additions to COGs.  periodic inventory journal records would write time with millisecond precision, i.e. 09:48:13.201,  but online backup can only synchronize with second precision and would backup such records as 09:48:13.  The backup verification process is sensitive enough to detect the variation and reports a backup sync error.  Fixed by rounding these journals to the nearest second. Update will rewrite existing journals rounding to nearest second.

Manual backups also are unable to record time with millisecond precision. So manual backups created will not be a perfect facsimile of the database.