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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Workshop
- Bugfix with select job. Would not select highlighted job if you dragged mouse while clicking on job. System would mis-interprete and incorrectly handle the drag/drop operation
- Accounts
- Whenever you raise an invoice on an account customer with deposits on hold, system will ask you if you want to use deposit to pay newly raised invoice. Behaviour can be tuned in main setup screen, deposits tab
- Spares
- Change part franchise/select correct part
- Check and follow supercessions
- Warn user if target franchise does not have part on price file
- Do not update or delete items on price file. This old logic was incorrect: price file is supposed to represent authoritorive price file from supplier and as such should not be so easily modified by the end user
- Freeform stocktake
- Bugfix with updating min/max or location. Would not save if part qty did not change and part was already stocktaken today
- Allow presetting of location on all items in freeform stocktake to a single location. To aid with stocktake processing via a given location