Article here about recent surge in cryptolocker infections on computers in Australia.
It is an exceedingly nasty piece of work that randomly encrypts files on your computers. C9 has seen two dealerships infected by this in recent weeks which completely destroyed c9's database in both instances. Although with online backup we are able to get you back up and running on c9 in 15 minutes or so (which we did in the two instances that occurred), this thing is indiscriminate and will happily encrypt all sorts of things on your computer that you need to run your business, excel files, other non c9 programs, email, etc. It will ruin your day, your week and several weeks after that.
Two things urge you to do to help avoid this nasty.
- Get decent antivirus and keep it up-to-date
- Don't open email from unsolicited sources, especially attachments that look serious with headings like 'ATO tax audit', or 'FedEx shipping details', but where there is little or no description in the email itself. Basically never open attachments unless you are expecting and attachment before hand, i.e. you've asked a supplier to send you something.
Finally, for those few dealers that still are not using c9's online backup tool, highly recommend you get on it. It will save your bacon one day. We've restored over two dozen systems over the past couple of years now.