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Release 4.546 August 11, 2015 barney
  • Options for finer grained control of prniting per line discount information on a spares/workshop invoices.  Globally or on a per customer basis configure following 1 of 3 options
    • Never show per line discount figures
    • Only show per line discount figures for line items which have either a line item discount or affected by margin based discount
    • Show discount figures on every line item that is discounted.
  • Workshop estimates : option to copy/clone an estimate to form a new estimate
  • Modify customer: access print address/shipping label from here.
  • Miner : ability to access view/modify customer via miner
  • Price file import changes to deal with latest silliness from KTM, where part number "451 30 007 000 A" supercedes to "451 30 007 000  A", where there are two spaces before the last A on the second part meaning that if you ignore spaces, you essentially have a looping supercession chain but if you pay close attention to spaces they are strictly 'different' part numbers. C9 will now skip over parts that loop on themselves after stripping spaces and slashes, which should give the desired outcome for KTM price files.
  • Bugfix with remote fiche diagrams, if linked to supplier with invalid/deleted/removed diagrams : diagram refresh would fail. Now fixed.