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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Bugs with recording activity and journal postings for paid out floorplans. Under some fairly common circumstances, the payout would not be recorded. This fix fixes the problem and correctly adds/posts necessary journals/activity record
- Email individual account statement via print preview, would use customer default email address, not their account email address (if configured)
- View unit : rename encumbrances to 'other line items'
- Manual offline backup: reports error with leaseaccount_primarykey_seq. Now fixed. Was not a critical issue, offline backups still good inspite of this error message.
- GST tweaks : add nag screens to point of sale and workshop to warn punter if invoice contains parts with either 0 GST (i.e. medical devices) or GST which looks invalid (i.e. something other than 0 or 10% due to improperly installed price file).
- Browse fiche : select franchise should now perform faster on systems where there is a slight delay (caused by inefficient database access)