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Release 4.570 October 5, 2015 barney

Includes database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bug fix with Unit of measure where system would misbehave and not verify available qty correctly after transitioning from say 1.0005 to 0.9995.
  • New Sale/Cash reconciliation report.  Summaries all GL postings based on GL codes involved in the posting for postings involving payment methods and/or sales.
  • Some significant reworking of barcode scanning to allow some very powerful features.
    • Creation of special global 'c9' barcodes. When you scan these barcodes c9 knows what sort of barcode it is and jumps to right part of c9 after scanning.
    • e.g. scanning barcode on job cards will jump straight to browse jobs and highlight the job, irrespective of where you currently are in c9
    • 'c9' barcodes are printed on spares receive sheets for quick customer order pickup and quick referencing of jobs parts are on
    • Can print barcodes for customers to put on loyalty cards. If you scan such a card in point of sale, point of sale is automatically primed with that customer. Scan anywhere else and c9 jumps to customer -> View customer highlighting the scanned customer
    • Can pre-print / bulk print customer loyalty card barcodes and then link/associate those barcodes to actual customers at a later date (Setup -> Other -> linkable barcodes)

Notes on barcode feature:

  • Note that these barcode features only work if your barcode is configured to transmit STX as part of barcode scan.  Most barcodes out of the packaging do not do this. You need to check with your barcode scanner documentation.  Some doco on c9 website here:
  • barcode scanning no longer supports STX + <barcode> + ETX + CR.  C9 will treat such configs as sending an extraneous CR after barcode is scanned. Doubt anyone has their barcode scanners configured this way. C9 will work fine with either STX + <barcode> + ETX  or STX + <barcode> + CR, or plain old <barcode> + CR (but new features will not work without STX)
  • barcode scanning will be intermittent on slow/crappy computers. Any delay in barcode characters for more than half a second, c9 assumes it isn't a barcode and just normal user input.