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Release 4.573 October 8, 2015 barney

Includes database changes, you will need to log out during upgrade

  • Customers can now SMS back on miner SMS sendouts things other than 'STOP', c9 will record them and you can view/action them.  Also possible to setup c9 so non miner SMS messages can be replied to.  More on how to enable this shortly.


  • Freeform parts: ability to configure freeform items to default to $0 cost (new option in setup)
  • Scan customer barcode in point of sale, visually indicate scan worked by popping up a small window alerting this, window automatically disappears after a second
  • Stock history report, option to report only on items that have moved since a given date
  • Workshop bugfix, parts manually repriced on order (or on estimate then order) mess up discounting required when part arrives applying discount twice. Now fixed.