Requires database changes. You will need to log terminals out during upgrade
Victoria contract of sale : print Schedule 4 instead of 3 if sale is a new unit. Print New/Used on contract particulars page.
QLD paperwork. Included Form 12 (Cooling off) and Form 10 (beneficial interest)
Debtors balances. C9 can now track paying off individual invoices providing an optional open invoice accounting mechanism. When you add a payment you have the option to select which invoices you want to pay off (c9 will pay off invoices in order they are added to system by default). View transaction screen visually shows which txns are paid off/fully allocated and how much remains. The implementation is completely transparent from existing brought forward implementation of debtors and does not modify existing functional behavior in any way whatsoever so those who don't want to use it will see no functional changes and can ignore this. Supports unallocated payments too, so if you record a payment c9 will automatically pay off future created invoices. Handles creation/deletion of debtor adjustment correctly, automatically unallocating and reallocating as needed.
Major overhaul of accessory suppliers correcting 20+ year design issue with how suppliers are internally tracked in c9. You can now safely modify suppcode of suppliers without loosing link between suppliers and stocked parts. This is the first part of a larger initiative to add creditors into c9 (open invoice accounting above is also part of this project).
Bugfix with selling unit on finance and recording deposit at time of sale. Invoice printed would show payment method for on road costs. Now fixed so not do this.
Tweaks to support importing of Serco invoices. (Serco PDF files include a scaling affine transform to stretch text across the page. C9's handling of affine transforms was naive, now improved to only filter things that are rotated by something other than 90/180/270. Scaling and flipping/mirroring such as landscape flipping should now be okay)
Tweaks for ongoing efforts with web based service reception, tweaks that allow for faster updates of unit/job details. (Force online backup to immediately sync triggered via remote command).