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Release 4.580 -> 4.583 October 29, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all users out during upgrade.

  • Accessory suppliers now merged in with customers.  More preparatory work for creditors.  Customers are now contacts, a contact can be either a customer or supplier (or both). To be added soon (in future versions of c9)
    • A 3rd balance : supplier balance.
    • Ability to add supplier transactions : bills, credit notes, bill payments and payment refunds.
    • Bill tracking and payment notifications
    • Tracking of capital purchases/assets.
  • Bugfixes
    • Resize workshop spares window, didn't relocated buttons correctly
    • Convert workshop estimate into job, was not handling units of measure correctly within new job (import estimate in point of sale works okay)
    • Order query broken (with recent changes to supplier. Functionality now restored)
    • Point of Sale F12 pickup.  F6 non stocked item and edit price file, c9 forgets that part is being received and part remains in orderbook as uninvoiced.  Now fixed
    • Miner queries on suppliers would fail (not mapping to correct SQL column name)
    • VicRoads authority form: print SOLO instead of type. Print compliance date not year model.
  • Tweaks
    • Print customer code as well on transaction receipts.
    • Workshop : show customer icon
    • View workshop job : show qty on order, show discounted price.
  • New merge on pickup feature, coalesce interesting details from merged invoices into a note. Display note. Specifically:
    • Order number if not blank and different from workshop job.
    • Any notes left by customers on adjunct weborders and/or invoices.

 4.581: Patched add supplier. Was not setting customer/supplier flag correctly.

 4.582: Patched view/modify contact. Removed ability to delete (can only archive now). Tweaking naming from customer to contact in some spots

4.583: Bug could stop upgrade from working due to mismatched lengths of phone numbers on older supplier record and customer record