Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- New paperwork
- NSW: Form 7
- QLD : unregistered vehicle statement to be signed by customer
- Spares
- Print supplier reorder number on receive spares sheets
- Point of Sale, status line showing OT: ST: GT: M: could clip when dealing with lots of info. Increase size on screen.
- Print invoice notes on credit note (previously was printing on invoices only).
- Contacts
- Merge contact : do not delete old contact. Instead flag them as archived (just in case)
- Merge contact : merge stock and order history to cope with merging of supplier contacts
- Spares
- Move parts : provide option to move details of parts on active order/reserve and/or move entire part history
- New magician integration: Steve Cramer, Stihl and Ron Angel
- Units
- Deal : allow user to key in detailed notes on a deal
- Deal : access deposit history information
- Jobs
- Some new colour codings to highlight:
- Booked jobs expected to be received today or expected to be received before (todays receives and/or no shows)
- Booked jobs where receive and start date differ (could be rescheduled jobs where customer has not been informed)
- New/modify job. Disallow start date < receive date. You cannot start are job that has not been received!
- Some new colour codings to highlight:
- Other:
- Stock re-order monitor/reminder broken since changes to consolidate suppliers+customers as contacts. Now fixed