Consider a typical price file, it contains spare parts and accessories. Often you will want to price them differently. e.g.:
- Set spares are our margins ontop of RRP, i.e. +100% for <$2, +50% < $10 etc.
- Set accessories to RRP
C9 for some time has supported this manually (, but you need to do it one part at a time, with a franchise with over 100k+ parts, might take a while.
C9 now allows you to define rules while importing new price files to automatically categorise price break schemes based on information in the imported price file.
Recap of price file margins.
C9 normally applies franchise breaks on parts in that franchise. You can though tell c9 for a given part, apply price breaks from a different franchise. Normally you modify accessories franchise to have %0 markup (since accessory parts don't use price file this never affects accessory parts anyway) and you then modify those parts in price file to use that price break.
e.g. Spares -> Utilities -> Edit Price File
Bulk price break allocation at import price file
Spares - > Utilities -> Add/Edit Franchise. Select franchise, and Advanced. You need to add a rule as required by franchise.
Once done, then reimport price file in order to apply the rule. Below screen shot shows a rule where if group/discount code is either K or M then we apply accessory price breaks for that item.
Example 1: Yamaha
The following example requires you import yamaha price file from C9's Central Repository. You will need to reimport everything for this to work effectively. Rule required is as follows:
Example 2: Husqvarna
The following example requires you import CSV version of Husky price file. You will need to reimport everything for this to work effectively. Rule required is as follows:
mf:group='M' OR mf:group='K'
On import generic, make sure you select PSG import to be Discount code.
Example 3: KTM Power Products
Rule required is as follows:
Or (for regular expression aficionados)