As we understand it, new systems are being rolled out today for Husky dealers.
C9 includes some changes to help streamline ordering of spares. Instead of manually having to key parts into AMCAP you can now press a button in c9 and the order (hopefully) will be delivered directly to Butmac. The following post explains this.
Caution. I am of the view that what is described below has not been tested nearly enough in the past couple of weeks by all people involved (including us) to have complete confidence in the new ordering solution. I urge all users of this new feature to followup with Butmac directly to confirm your orders have actually being received in full. Give it a few minutes at least before following up. As I understand it, it might take a few minutes for orders uploaded via c9 to clear/process. This precaution should only be necessary for the next couple of weeks while new system is settled in.
In c9, instead of selecting print order. Select export order.
- Orderbook
- Highlight active order you want to send.
- Select Send
- Select Export Order
Now select export method of Butmac AX. You might need to select button 'Change Export method'.
Then configure export (initially).
- Select Husky
- Key in your account code. (Contact Butmac if unsure what this is)
- Select option 'direct to butmac'
- Click OK.
Order will be sent, no further action required. (But followup to confirm order was indeed received until you have confidence that the technology is reliable)