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Creditors in C9 January 5, 2016 barney

Following provides a brief walk through of creditors in c9.

Creditors functionality utilises alot of same mechanisms that exist for debtors.

Recording a new Bill

Just like debtors. Contacts.  View. Select the supplier in the list (suppliers are colour coded blue).

Click view transactions. Then click Add Transaction. Key in type of txn, amount, due date (for bills).


Types are:

  • A new bill.  A tax invoice from a supplier.
    • Bill type needs to select options.
      • General Expense. Non asset items, like utilities
      • Capital Expense. Capital assets, i.e. expensive tools/equipment
      • Non capital expense. Assets which are not considered capital assets
  • Pay a bill. Record bill payment
  • Supplier credit note.  A credit note from a supplier. Credit notes have GST implications. Can be used to reverse effect of bills
  • Refund previous supplier credit note. Opposite of a supplier credit note.

You can also access supplier transactions via Spares -> Utilities -> Edit Suppliers. And select View Transactions from here.


Paying a bill

Access pay a bill same way as record a bill

List bills to be paid

Contacts -> Contacts -> Unpaid Bills


Setting payment terms

Due date on bills defaults based on supplier settings.

Contacts -> View . Modify Contact. Goto discounting / Billing.


System is able to accept puesdo natural language description of the terms and will default due date based on this. Examples:

  • plus 2 days
  • plus 2 weeks
  • 2 days
  • 2 weeks
  • 20th
  • 21st
  • 20th of next month
  • 2nd week of next month
  • +14 days 28th of this month

If format you key in is not understood by c9 you will not be allowed to proceed.

Creditor integration

At time of writing, creditor bill recording is integrated into the following processes. When you finish these processes c9 will automatically create new bills.

1. Receiving Spares


To simplify receiving based on franchise you can configure a franchise to default to a supplier in c9.


2. Workshop sub contracting
