Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Minor tweaks and fixes
- Restocking analysis, improve readability of the graphed image. Also show daily and stock %
- Spare parts receive : allow config of franchise to track supplier to credit, does not cause newly ordered parts to go onto an order for that supplier like existing supplier setting does.
- Due/overdue bill alert. Can disable on a per terminal basis. (Setup -> Main Setup Screen -> Suppliers )
- Web order notification , an additional new email for orders that are ready to be invoiced but not yet actually invoiced. Design intent is for in store pickup web orders where operator manages the order as a reserve/pickup later either notifying customer immediately on creation of the reserve if all parts are in stock or once all parts have been received from suppliers.
- Web order notification, notifications can be disabled by conditional tests. i.e. do not set initial email if order type is a pickup. Newly added notify on ready to invoice described above is disabled by default.
- Improve GL posting to deal with following rare situation
- Create an open P/O for a workshop job
- invoice the job
- invoice the P/O
- cancel the job invoice
- System will now post an additional journal to balance flipping from 'services to supply' liability to 'workshop services' asset based on implicit reordering of invoicing P/O and invoicing the job
- Delete records may not cascade to related entities in some rare circumstances