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Release 4.603 January 13, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • New feature on OEM parts websites, websites can now allow user to perform a magician like query to check if part is available from OEM supplier. website reports either, is available, not available or check with dealer. New setting in edit franchise allows you to c
  • Workshop
    • F8 review in workshop dashboard would move a job from booked to in progress, skipping received. Now fixed to revert to old behaviour. Double click provides two new options, one to goto receive or one to skip and go straight to start.
  • Bugfixes
    • Defect with recording new creditor bills. Was trying to link the posted journal to completely irrelevant and sometimes not available items causing the bill creation to fail with an error
  • Other
    • Some initial work on supporting returns to suppliers. (Not yet functional)