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Release 4.607 February 5, 2016 barney
  • Spares Fiche Diagrams
    • Improvements to Honda fiche importing
      • Fix issues with images not importing correctly (fix involves running java 7, c9 will warn you if your java is too old for importing fiche)
      • Detect if honda install dir has more than one set of fiche (i.e. motorcycle and power equipment), ask user to choose one
    • Improved image rescaling on imported fiche.  Massive images could scale down poorly with antialiasing effects. Scaling is now alot smoother
    • Fixed importing for KTM and Husqvarana to cope with design changes to KTM/Husky websites
  • Accounts
    • Bug with statements  involving suppliers. Statement balance at bottom of statement was correct but would erroneously include supplier items, not debtor items and descriptions on them were incorrect too, resulting in misleading opening balance as well. Now fixed
  • Spares
    • Plugged hack where you could force a layby (or supplier return) by making invoice a quote, backing out and then re-completing again
    • Supplier return : default discount to 0% on selecting supplier, clearing any discount previously in play if invoice started out as a regular customer invoice
    • Convert quote : import freight and tracking details
  • Workshop
    • Modify spare part qty on estimate, was not automatically calculating new total price correctly. Now fixed.
  • Units
    • Contract of sale, was erroneously printing odo instead of rego # on tradein vehicle on forms for following states : VIC, NSW, QLD, WA
  •  Website
    • New experimental website element types for forms/enquiries also for laying out new bike specs.  frontend website not yet ready, another week or two.