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pmmedParts magician, which has been running since June 2003 will be shutdown this week.  Over past 13 years it has processed close to 2 million requests and replies.

Moving forward, there will be now a c9 only implementation of parts magician. The new systems look exactly the same from a c9 operations perspective: but uses different technology.


  • Faster. Results are now instantaneous.
  • Guaranteed results: no longer dependent on whether or not c9 messenger is working in the target dealership, that the database is online etc.
  • More accurate dealership information.
  • Conceptually simpler technology, easier for us at c9 to grow and maintain


  • Is a c9 only solution. Old parts magician clients will no longer work
  • Any c9 dealer ( from version 4.611 onwards) can make queries, but only dealers that have online backup will reply to queries. If you don't have online backup, there are many reasons why you should have it. This is one more.