Includes database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Spares
- Modify franchise : new option to indicate whether backorders are okay or not from this franchise. When ordering parts from a franchise in point of sale, backorder flag is defaulted based on this new setting (potentially overriding existing global backorder settings)
- F12 magician query. Could play up when returns no result for certain suppliers, e.g. Honda, and ask you to relogin even though login details are valid. Improved so it is a bit more intuitive, less naggy
- Orders : printed orders now contain an e-reference number. Other users can now key in to rapidly import your order and you can keyin e-refs from orders from other c9 dealers to quickly convert their order into a point of sale ready to process
- Units
- Deals. When you modify a unit on a deal system now memorises if you fixed the sale price or not, so when you goto modify the unit at a later date and add more items on it for example, it will adjust pricing based on memorized price. i.e. handy for managing fixed price sales.