Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Whites Power Sports - Integration
- Magician parts enquiry
- Push button upload orders
- Import price file directly from WPS website
- Spares
- Suppress 'zero val transaction' warning on receive spares where supplier is selected
- Received parts fromC9 E-Reference. Import could result in rounding errors. Now fixed.
- View process web orders. Show summary of status of parts on order from supppliers needed to fulfill weborder
- Fiche Diagrams, sometimes flipping rapidly from fiche to another part of c9 while c9 is running an 'update cache' could trigger a database in inconsistent state error, now fixed (the error was actually a false positive)
- Some tweaks to hopefully fix an issue with Husky/Butmac Parts enquiry faced by one dealer.
- Receive items hotkey : added still on order option : esp useful for cross continent orders : not on backorder but still a couple of days away
- Workshop - VicRoads integration. Now working again
VicRoads integration continues to prove to be challenging. They'll happily show rego info on a bike on website but they actively try to stop likes of c9 from being able to perform exactly the same query fulfilling exactly the same end-user intent (save hassle of having to hunt down VIN numbers etc as bikes are checked in for a service for the first time) nor do they provide an accessible means to establish a technical partnership with them. We've sort of got it working again (it works mostly but will sometimes fail), but for how long we cannot reasonably say. This is all best effort type stuff and expect it to stop working again very soon.
- Messenger / Low level systems
- Found another way messenger could lockup, users changing the clock on their computers can mess with c9. C9 assumes clock clock time now is always greater than time last time it checked in critical sections of the code. Such changes could cause c9 to stuffup/lockup and generally misbehave. Modified and audited code to remove most of these assumptions so c9 should now be able cope with computer clocks being altered in deliberate ways
- Units
- Discounting
- Include facility to discount base unit and print discount $ on invoice
- Print line discounts on line items/accessories etc
- Suppress 'zero val transaction' warning on tradein where changeover value is zero and tradein type is account
- Bug fix with General Ledger of units on consignment. Previously asset check process would incorrectly include consignment units as part of asset list. Now fixed.
- Floorplans, c9 now allows you to track whether input credits on floorplan can be claimed before or after curtailment. Some suppliers will issue a tax invoice with the floorplan meaning you can possibly claim input credits early. To let c9 know this is happening when you add/modify a floorplan, key in an invoice number into (tax) invoice number field.
- Discounting