Includes database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Spares
- Bugfix: Complete point of sale, if you select customer and select option to use customer deposit but then back out and then complete again, the screen will not show account deposit allocated resulting in on screen numbers not adding up correctly. Invoice was still okay. Fixed to refresh these details correctly on re-entry to complete
- Merge on pickup
- Bugfix : would not close off order book items if items to be merged are already on the invoice being merged into. Now fixed
- In database, track original invoice for merged items, to make it easier for us to trace/debug/diagnose any issues
- Bugfix : would try to merge items on original invoices which were partially supplied, damaging original invoice. Prevent these items from being merged
- Bugfix: Merge With existing. Would not update parts on order total correctly resulting in erroneous parts still on order notices on the printed out invoice
- Receive order: do not lock franchise until very end when receive is initiated, allowing multiple receives for a given franchise to be setup by different operators
- Contacts
- Print Att: on shipping labels for companies
- Workshop
- Do not 'tab though' on job icons on new or modify job.
- Bugfix: Job notes, modify. Was not refreshing screen correctly to old copy of notes if user selected No to save changed notes on cancel. (The notes were not being changed)
- Misc
- Include Ben's ph# in Help -> About
- Cash Till report : break down different instruments into incomings and outgoings