- Workshop
- Modify sub contract on job: if sale cost = job cost and you modify sale cost then job cost. C9 would modify the job cost but not recalculate gst and +gst job costs creating a subtle and difficult to notice defect with sub contract costings. Now fixed. In a couple of ways:
- Once job costs are set do not allow changes to job retail pricing to affect this
- When job retail price is changed make sure gst and +gst job costs are also updated on screen.
- Modify sub contract on job: if sale cost = job cost and you modify sale cost then job cost. C9 would modify the job cost but not recalculate gst and +gst job costs creating a subtle and difficult to notice defect with sub contract costings. Now fixed. In a couple of ways:
- Spares
- Barcode. Allow easy adding of spares barcodes by keying in partnumber into barcode screen and pressing Enter. Also works with STX configured barcode scanners
- Line item discount. Option to key in discount by $ as well as %
- Contacts
- Bugfix with printing countries on spares invoices. Would print country twice under some circumstances. Now fixed
- Email Notifications.
- Bugfix : recent memorise email address functionality did not work with workshop cash sales. (Account sales are okay). Now fixed
- System now allows you to set email bodies for emailed documents/reports/invoices. Has a default template. Example screenshots: